Just for Fun

Durango Kid Activities

Museums & Adventure:

The Animas Museum is a friend of Pea Pods Child Care Services!

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Animas Museum  

A great opportunity to discover Durango’s history, the Animas Museum is the same location as the Animas City School built in 1906. The museum contains collections that will take you back into history, including a turn-of-the-century classroom and the pioneer Joy Cabin, as well as a gift shop. Open year round![/showhide]

The Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad and Museum is a kid friendly place!
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D&SNGRR Roundhouse Museum

Children will have a chance to view the roundhouse turntable in action as locomotives return each evening from Silverton. Browse through the many historical exhibits on display including a library, railroad lamp and lock display, artist’s exhibits and two full-size authentic turn-of-the-century locomotives. The museum brings to life the heritage of railroading in the Rockies. [/showhide]

The Durango Public Library is a great place for kids!AC
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Durango Public Library

Located along the edge of the Animas River, in sight of the railroad tracks, the recently built Durango Public Library has sections for kids, parents as well as a restaurant to purchase food. Both children and parents can enjoy the peaceful and friendly atmosphere as they read and play games. When ready to leave, families can take an easy stroll down the Animas River Trail, located just outside the Library.[/showhide]

More Wonderful Kids activities in Durango Can be found at http://www.durango.org/